
Mapping technology to business value with Chris Hood

TNT Podcast

Our technology choices can either propel a business forward or hold it back. It’s not just about selecting the latest software or hardware; it’s about understanding how these choices align with the business’s goals and objectives. It’s about mapping technology to business value.    

Chris Hood joins the podcast Technology and Things to discuss. Listen below.

Understanding the Business-Technology Connection

With his vast experience at Google, Chris Hood emphasizes the importance of understanding the business’s needs before making any technology decisions. “It’s not just about the technology itself, but how it fits into the larger business strategy,” says Hood. This means that IT professionals must constantly communicate with business leaders, understand the company’s direction, and ensure that technology supports that vision.

Challenges Faced by IT Professionals

One of the primary challenges IT professionals face is the rapidly changing technology landscape. With new tools and platforms emerging almost daily, deciding which ones are right for the business can be overwhelming. However, Hood advises against getting swayed by the latest trends. Instead, he suggests focusing on the business’s core needs and how technology can address those needs.

Another challenge is the communication gap between IT and business teams. IT professionals might often understand the technical aspects but need help to convey its business implications. On the other hand, business leaders might need to grasp the intricacies of a particular technology. This is where professionals like Hood come in, bridging the gap and ensuring that both sides understand each other.

Making the Right Technology Decisions

Hood offers several tips for IT professionals to ensure they are making the best technology decisions for the business:

  1. Stay Informed: Regularly update yourself on the latest technology trends, but always view them through the lens of your business’s needs.
  2. Open Communication: Foster available communication channels between IT and business teams. Proper communication will help teams understand the business’s direction and how technology can support it.
  3. Focus on ROI: Before implementing any technology, understand its return on investment. Will it help the business save time or money? Will it lead to increased productivity or sales?
  4. Seek External Expertise: Sometimes, it’s beneficial to seek external expertise, like consultants or industry experts, to get a fresh perspective on technology choices.
  5. Continuous Learning: The technology landscape is ever-evolving. Engage in constant learning to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions.

the intersection of technology and business is a critical area that can determine a company’s success or failure. By understanding the business’s needs, staying informed about the latest trends, and fostering open communication, IT professionals can ensure that they are making the best technology decisions for the business. As Chris Hood aptly puts it, “It’s not about technology for technology’s sake, but about how it can drive business success.”
