Open-sourcing Google’s Organizational Change DNA

Google's organizational DNA

Open-sourcing Google’s Organizational Change DNA

Understanding how Google organization thinks about Innovation.

Organizational Change Episode Overview

Now, more than ever, there is an urgency to incorporate diversity and inclusion into every aspect of your organization. Not only because it enhances your ability to be responsive to users and customers, but because it builds trust and a sense of belonging for your employees. Companies have seen massive amounts of change in the past few months. As operations return to capacity, innovation will be vital to accelerating transformation and preventing future disruptions. This is achieved across your organization’s people, processes, data, and technology. In this episode, Chris Hood joins Bella Bardswell and Finn Toner to take an inside look at how Google thinks about organizational development and operates to drive a continuous culture of creativity and innovation.

Google’s culture is flexible (employees are encouraged to work when they like and how they like), fun (offices have nap pods, video games, and ping pong), and founded on trust. Collaboration is key – so much so that employees are encouraged to coach each other in the ‘Googler to Googler’ program. This includes key business skills such as public speaking, management, and orientation as well as extra-curricular activities like kickboxing. Building a sense of community is one of the first steps to creating a more positive company culture. Numerous micro-kitchens dotted around the Google campus are one way the company helps to bring people together. Break-out spaces give people a spot to grab lunch. This not only builds community but also drives the organization towards efficiency and creates more opportunities for innovation.

Special Guests


  • Chris Hood – Head of Business Innovation & Strategy, Google Cloud

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